Optical Character Recognition (OCR) phone number dialing and utility app

  • One click to dial 10-digit (or more) phone numbers in 30 country formats
  • Scan email addresses or URLs to open mail client or web browser
  • Scan physical addresses to get map and directions
Download Glombox App

Glom one word... or many!

Accurately recognize soft-copy and hard-copy text to search or paste into other applications

Save typing time and aggravation. Glom it!

GlomBox Features

Accurate recognition

Recognizes many fonts, including many too small to easily read.

Glombox Features

Flexible recognition

Scan inconveniently located text, like computer tag info.

Glombox Features

International formats

Supports 30 country phone number formats.

Glombox Features

Integrated flashlight

Accurate hard-copy character recognition in low light.

Glombox Features

Multi-line text

Dial phone numbers formatted on multiple line

Glombox Features

Rapid phone number targeting

Improved performance by extracting phone numbers from non-numeric text.

Glombox Features

Innovative User Interface

GlomBox’s unique and flexible interface allows precise targeting to extract numbers, words, and other text snippets with a high level of accuracy while avoiding any unwanted text.

Download GlomBox

Most information systems are good at displaying phone numbers but not in connecting to them. Even software that supports VOIP often resides on computers that don't have the necessary hardware or are located in inconvenient areas for conversation. GlomBox connects your HR, EMR or other IS to your IPhone. Download the app now.

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